
Showing posts from October, 2017

Episode 8 - Change Making

How do we take our intent forward? Charting the way forward, idea generation, leaving your ego at the door, protoyping and more. Quotes The outcome of this first piece of work when we're going to make change is getting the scope and clarity and the intent shared. If you're on the receiving end of an initiative which somebody else thought up, then this is the time you really need to drill into what it is they think they want you to do. Pushing for clarity is not an accusation  about anything having been sloppy or lazy. It's about the fact that now that you're looking at a specific context with a specific bunch of resources. Clarifying the intent is the first stage of moving in to change making. The next stage is a discovery. We actually need to understand more about the specific context that we're going to change. Make life easier for yourself by bringing some of that research back inside and start putting photos of successful initiatives up on the wa...

Episode 7 - Scope

How do we coalesce towards sharing a purpose together that will shape the way we work together? Quotes Change is actually continuous, but our response to it is not always to do something. Sometimes it confirms us more in the way we are. It can make us more comfortable to hold things that are more predictable - like a marble rolling to the bottom of a basin. On any given day we can imagine or see more things that we could throw ourselves at and change than can ever be addressed. So even at the very front end there is the question of choice, of prayerful consideration of what you're being called to do. Crisis is a serious unravelling, and if we've left things until we're desperate, we're probably in that unravelling situation. And I don't think that's uncommon in this phase of history we're in because so many conversations of leadership have been caught flat footed by the pace of change. Churches in particular are flat footed because of not seein...

Episode 6 - Stepping Into The Future.

Dave and David looking for their DeLorean Looking into the future can be daunting - but is unavoidable for the leader. References Romans 8:19 talks about the creation waiting with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. It provides an orientation towards the future of eager longing rather than that fearfulness that so often comes first to mind. The foundation of confidence can be found in Malachi 3:6 which simply starts with “I the Lord do not change.” - God's faithful character underlying whatever it is that we encounter. Our God is like a great Greek unmoved mover – he has a great reliable constancy of character. He is not capricious. He is not playing with us. God has got purposes in mind and he is moving things to accomplish. And in that there is a constancy of loving faithfulness that we can count on and that's a really foundational resource that believers can respect when they're looking at questions of leadership, innovation and entre...

Episode 5 - Entrepreneurship

Yes, please, sir, I want to be one! But what does it mean to be an entrepreneur, and what does it take to be one? David and Dave explore this in the general sense and then as it does (or doesn't) apply to church planters in the episode. Quotes: An entrepreneur is someone who can recognise, grow skilled at and push along the conversations that make new meanings and new market places for those meanings. [Unfortunately)] What is in the Build space of conversations comes to characterize what entrepreneurs are, followed by the rapid accretion of wealth. If we're close to talking about that set of activities in an economy that create new value then we're close to talking about what drives economics and what is fundamental to the prosperity of a society. Most attempts at a one line definition of entrepreneurship are fraught and very hard to distinguish from other activities in society. A small business owner isn't necessarily an entrepreneur, but I can't...